Greg Abbott Brags to ‘Fox & Friends’ That He Eats Chick-fil-A Five Days a Week

The crew of Fox & Friends gave Chick-fil-A some free advertising on Tuesday morning, displaying a full spread of the fast food outlet’s products as the hosts talked with Texas Governor Greg Abbott about the “Save Chick-fil-A” bill he signed into law last week.
Abbott supposedly appeared to talk about the 927 bills he signed in a recent frenzy of legislative activity in Texas. But it was the Chick-fil-A bill that got the most attention.
The bill was proposed in response to the city of San Antonio airport booting Chick-fil-A out of its airport over donations the company made to anti-LGBTQ organizations. Texas Republicans responded by passing a law that would prevent local governments from taking action against any business or person over membership in or support of religious organizations. That those organizations such as those Chick-fil-A donated to might practice bigotry against vulnerable minorities is of no concern, apparently, to the Texas legislature.
On Fox & Friends, this was all good for a laugh. After displaying its own spread of Chick-fil-A, the show cut to Abbott in a studio in Texas holding up his own cup and bag of fried chicken parts from his local outlet.
“Anyone who knows me, knows that this is not a prop up here because I eat Chick-fil-A about five days a week,” the governor crowed.
“This is common sense,” he added about the bill.
The rest of the segment was taken up by Abbott talking about lowering property taxes for homes and businesses and other bills he signed last week. Which is likely not great comfort to Texas’ LGBTQ citizens who have presumably gotten the message that Chick-fil-A’s right to discriminate against them is worthy of a laugh.
Watch the video above, via Fox News.