CNN’s Oliver Darcy: Bill Barr Could Be ‘One of the Opinion Talking Heads on Fox News’

Discussing Attorney General Bill Barr’s recent interviews with the Murdoch-owned Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy noted on Sunday that one would be hard-pressed to tell a difference between the attorney general and one of the Fox opinion hosts.
During CNN’s media analysis show Reliable Sources, host Brian Stelter played a montage clip showing how remarkably similar Barr’s language during his Fox News interview was to pro-Trump Fox News star Sean Hannity’s, specifically spotlighting the attorney general claiming critics of his “may be concerned about the outcome of a review of what happened during the election.”
“If you didn’t know any better, Brian, if you were watching Fox News, you might almost think watching the interview that Bill Barr is one of the opinion talking heads on Fox News,” Darcy said in response. “Defending the president. Casting everything as a Deep State coup and delegitimizing a lot of the work the DOJ has done.”
The CNN reporter went on to state that it shouldn’t be forgotten that this delegitimization of the Justice Department and intelligence community came directly from Fox News and that it’s clear what Barr is trying to do here.
“He’s trying to send a message to one person who happens to read The Wall Street Journal and who happens to watch Fox News quite a bit,” he stated. “And he’s using the same rhetoric that Trump uses. It’s stunning.”
Darcy further noted that some Fox non-opinion/news side personalities have also found Barr’s sycophancy stunning, referencing Fox News anchor Chris Wallace’s observation that the attorney general “clearly is protecting the president.”
Watch the clip above, via CNN.