Howard Stern Rips Trump’s Abortion Stance: ‘He’s Probably Needed to Get a Few People Abortions’

Howard Stern does not buy his former friend Donald Trump’s harsh anti-abortion stance.
The radio shock jock told George Stephanopoulos during a Monday interview on Good Morning America that “The Donald I know, I think he’s probably needed to get a few people abortions.”
Trump as president has become a vicious crusader against abortion, most notably peddling the lie that Democrats favor allowing doctors to “execute” newborn babies if the parents decide during birth that they would rather have an abortion.
He continued, “The stance on abortion, that women don’t have a right to choose what — you don’t have to get an abortion. But if you want the right — I remember the days of women in the back alleys with coat hangers, that’s not acceptable.”
Stern admitted to being very conflicted about Trump’s rise to the White House. “Donald was at my wedding,” he said. “I remember having very warm feelings for Donald and I do. He was always very nice to me.”
Now, however, the extreme positions Trump has adopted have soured Stern, a Hillary Clinton supporter, on his old friend and guest.
Stern also wondered if perhaps an interview with him could have made the difference in helping Clinton win the 2016 election.
Noting that SiriusXM, which broadcasts his show, has 33 million subscriptions and estimates that two people per family use it, Stern said, “If Hillary had come on in the same way that Lady Gaga or Gwyneth Paltrow came on…and guys call me afterwards, man, I never liked Lady Gaga. But I just heard her talking…If Hillary could have come in and maybe persuaded 70,000 people out of those millions of people that listened and come off in such a way, main we’d be looking at a different scenario.”
Watch the interview up top, via ABC.