‘Fox & Friends’ Spins Story on Trump’s Billion-Dollar Losses: ‘It’s Impressive, All the Things He’s Done’

It’s a tough job trying to trun Donald Trump’s billion-dollar-losing business from a sow’s ear into a silk purse, but darn it, the crew of Fox & Friends gave it a try on Wednesday morning.
In fact, the crew spun so hard, it’s a wonder they didn’t create a gravitational force entirely localized in their studio.
Once you drill down past some of the histrionics, however, it becomes clear there are two big takeaways.
First, they would like you to be distracted with questions about who leaked Trump’s tax info to The New York Times, and why. To that end, they played a clip of Sol Wisenberg, who was Kenneth Starr’s chief deputy during Bill Clinton’s impeachment, telling Laura Ingraham during her Tuesday night show that either “somebody from the government illegally leaked [the tax documents] or somebody who worked for Mr. Trump violated professional confidential relationship. But, either way, it’s unfortunate.”
The second point the Fox & Friends crew would like you to take away is that Trump is no mere mortal, but as Brian Kilmeade put it, a “bold” businessman who “takes chances” in order to build his empire. Which prompted Ainsley Earhardt to say, “You read this and you’re like, wow, it’s pretty impressive, all the things he’s done in his life.”
A reminder that the point of the story is that Trump lost a billion dollars in business over a decade. According to the Times, he “lost more money than nearly any other individual American taxpayer.” Truly an impressive achievement!
What the crew neglects to mention is that most of the money Trump lost “belonged to others, to the banks and bond investors who had supplied the cash to fuel his acquisitions.” So not only did he lost all this money while still maintaining his high-flying lifestyle, but he was sticking it to his lenders while bragging about his incredible business acumen to every media outlet that would listen.
In other words, it was all a giant con aimed at suckers like the crew of Fox & Friends.
Watch the entire segment up top, via Fox News.