Jim Clyburn Wonders Why Trump Is Glorifying ‘Loser’ Robert E. Lee

House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn (D-SC) had a question for Donald Trump during an interview on This Week With George Stephanopoulos on Sunday morning: Why are you defending a loser, loser?
Okay, it was slightly more complicated than that.
Stephanopoulos played some comments Trump made on Friday defending his long-ago comment that there were “very fine people” marching with white supremacists in Charlottesville in 2017. Trump incorrectly again said these alleged people were protesting the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee.
Stephanopoulos said to Clyburn, “The president doesn’t seem to be backing away at all from those comments.”
Clyburn responded that he thinks Trump is “expressing what’s in his heart.” He then went on to call Lee “a brutal slave master.” Which is a documented fact.
Then Clyburn twisted the knife: “Thankfully he lost that war and I find it kind of interesting the president is now glorifying a loser. He always said that he hated losers. Robert E. Lee was a loser!”
Watch the clip above, via ABC.