Erick Erickson Raked Over Coals For Saying Episcopalians Aren’t Really Christian

Erick Erickson is getting raked over the proverbial coals for a tweet in which he suggested that Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, an observant and committed Episcopalian, does not truly understand Christianity:
I mean if Buttigieg thinks evangelicals should be supporting him instead of Trump, he fundamentally does not understand the roots of Christianity. But then he is an Episcopalian, so he might not actually understand Christianity more than superficially.
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) April 7, 2019
Erickson is an evangelical Christian who has long seen it as his mission to talk down to anyone who disagrees with his brand of muscular Christianity or questions whether non-evangelical interpretations of Scripture are the only true interpretations. Since evangelicals also support Donald Trump in overwhelming numbers despite his past and present behavior, Erickson became a target of ridicule for his statements:
Because nothing is more Christian than a thrice married adulterer who occasionally pays ladies for silence about sexual exploits.
— Molly Jong-Fast (@MollyJongFast) April 8, 2019
The roots of Christianity, as I remembered, are found in the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but I’m not Erick Erickson, so what do I know.
— Jane Coaston (@cjane87) April 8, 2019
you, a real american christian: “donald trump was sent by god to defend the faith”
me, an episcopalian, a rube: *recites the nicene creed*
— b-boy bouiebaisse (@jbouie) April 8, 2019
Look, Trump may personify every one of the seven deadly sins, but at least he’s also racist and a compulsive liar.
— Brian Beutler (@brianbeutler) April 8, 2019
Episcopalians don’t understand Christianity, says the guy who advocates for dropping political opponents out of helicopters.
— KevinMc From TX (@KevinMcFromTX) April 8, 2019
“The roots of Christianity” are apparently abortion and homophobia.
All this time I thought the most important thing was to love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind: the first and greatest commandment.
— hilzoy (@hilzoy) April 8, 2019
lol this from a man would have paid money to hammer in one of the nails.
— Adam Nathaniel Peck (@adamnpeck) April 8, 2019
Erickson followed up with a piece on his own site, The Resurgent, that amounts to him trying to catalogue the hypocrisies of Buttigieg’s faith while acknowledging the weirdness of evangelicals supporting Donald Trump. He also claims that science backs up the morality of his own anti-abortion position. Which would be news to scientists, who still can’t agree on the science themselves.