Jacob Wohl Plays Himself, Gets Himself Booted From Twitter Over Fake Accounts

After telling USA Today that he was creating a swatch of fake online accounts to manipulate “left-wing votes” in the upcoming 2020 election, notorious MAGA troll Jacob Wohl was permanently suspended from Twitter on Tuesday for violating the social media platform’s rules on, you guessed it, creating fake accounts.
“The account was suspended for multiple violations of the Twitter Rules, specifically creating and operating fake accounts,” a Twitter spokesperson said on Wohl’s suspension.
It didn’t take long for Twitter to act as the USA Today profile of the notorious online activist came out only hours beforehand. In the piece, he blabbed about looking to collect damaging information on left-wing and progressive groups, such as Media Matters and the Southern Poverty Law Center, along with setting up the fake accounts.
From the USA Today article:
He says he plans to create “enormous left-wing online properties” – such as deceptive Facebook and Twitter accounts – “and use those to steer the left-wing votes in the primaries to what we feel are weaker candidates compared with Trump.” It’s a plot similar to what Mueller has charged in indictments that the Russians crafted in an effort to boost the 2016 campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Jill Stein and hobble Hillary Clinton.
Prior to getting the boot from Twitter, the 21-year-old had collected over 180,000 followers, largely via his over-the-top fawning for all things Trump. Early on in Trump’s presidency, Wohl grew his online presence by quickly responding to all of the president’s tweets with pro-MAGA platitudes. Since then, he found himself the butt of jokes and memes for repeatedly claiming he heard liberals praising Trump in “hipster coffee shops.”
Wohl’s Twitter ban may not be the only headache he has to deal with over his USA Today interview. Regarding his laughable attempt to smear Special Counsel Robert Mueller last year, the woman he claimed had been sexually assaulted by Mueller told USA Today that Wohl “completely lied” about the allegations and wrote and “docu-signed” the document accusing Mueller.