CNN’s Van Jones Blasts Trump’s SOTU: ‘Psychotically Incoherent With Cookies And Dog Poop’

Remember two years ago when CNN political commentator Van Jones declared to the nation that Donald Trump “became President of the United States in that moment” when he led a lengthy standing ovation for a Navy SEAL widow during his first speech to the joint session of Congress? Well, Jones was singing a different tune Tuesday night.
Following an extremely long and predictably insincere State of the Union address that nobody really seemed to take seriously, Jones and the rest of a CNN panel provided their immediate reactions and hot takes on the speech. And Jones gave perhaps the most memorable response to a presidential speech in recent memory.
“I saw this as a psychotically incoherent speech with cookies and dog poop,” Jones exclaimed. “He tries to put together, in the same speech, these warm kind things about humanitarianism and caring about children. At the same time, he is demonizing people who are immigrants in a way that was appalling.”
Meanwhile, Jones wasn’t the only one on the panel that disliked the speech. Passionate Trump supporter and former Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum criticized the address for not being conservative enough, dinging the president for not speaking enough about infrastructure and seemingly doing too much “outreach to the Nancy Pelosi Democrats.”
“This was not a Republican speech,” he noted.
Watch the clip above, via CNN.