Roger Stone Says Indictment Against Him Is ‘Thin As Piss On A Rock’

Following his arrest and indictment on Friday, dirty political trickster and longtime Trump adviser Roger Stone has gone on something of a media blitz to declare his innocence, resulting in an inevitable Saturday Night Live cold open featuring Steve Martin portraying him.
Stone continued his news talk show tour on Sunday morning with an appearance on ABC News’ This Week. And he wrapped up the interview by not only getting in a plug for his online defense fund but declaring that he’s going to beat the charges because his attorneys told him the indictment against him was weak.
How weak? Well, let him tell you.
“In view of the fact that I expect to be acquitted and vindicated,” Stone told host George Stephanopolous, adding his lawyers “believe that this indictment is thin as piss on a rock — I’m prepared to fight for my life.”
He ended the interview by giving out the website address for his defense fund, asking viewers the show’s viewers for their support.
In other portions of the conversation, Stone also insisted that he merely forgot that he had over 30 text exchanges with radio personality Randy Credico the day he testified to the House Intelligence Committee that the two men hadn’t had any communication. One of those messages included Stone evoking The Godfather Part II, telling Credico he should do a “Frank Pentangeli” when speaking to Congress. Stone brushed off the reference by saying Credico is an “impressionist” and that it needs to be seen in that context.
Special Counsel Robert Mueller has charged Stone with seven counts of obstruction, making false statement and witness tampering. These charges are related to Stone’s attempts to coordinate and obtain information from WikiLeaks during the 2016 presidential election, with the indictment stating that a senior Trump campaign official dispatched Stone to get that info. Mueller, however, did not state that Stone’s interactions with WikiLeaks was illegal nor directly claim the Trump campaign was involved in a conspiracy.
Watch the clip above, via ABC News.
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