Scaramucci: ‘I’m Not A QAnon Truther’ But Q Said Stuff That ‘Turned Out To Be True’

During an appearance on CNN Monday morning, former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci addressed a Politico report that indicated he was a QAnon believer, insisting that he isn’t a “QAnon truther” while simultaneously saying that the anonymous poster Q has said things that have turned out to be true.
Over the weekend, The Mooch showed up at the sparsely-attended American Priority Conference and spoke to a couple who were obviously adherents to the wild and complex conspiracy theory QAnon, which claims that President Trump is working behind the scenes to bring down high-profile Democrats and celebrities who are part of a cabal of pedophiles.
From Politico’s piece:
At the first-ever American Priority Conference on Friday morning, Anthony Scaramucci — who served a brief stint as the Trump White House’s communications director — addressed a married couple from Virginia, telling them that the author of the fantastical Internet conspiracy theory QAnon has “been dead accurate about so many things,” adding: “When you find out who he is, you’re not going to believe it.”
In a comment for the article, Scaramucci insisted he was not referencing Q but instead about departing White House CHief of Staff John Kelly. The couple he spoke to, however, refuted The Mooch’s claims, insisting he was indeed discussing QAnon with them.
After lashing out on Twitter following the piece, calling the Politico reporter a loser and (possibly) drunk-texting Democratic strategist Phillipe Reines, Scaramucci showed up on CNN Newsroom this morning and was asked about the issue at the end of his interview with host Jim Sciutto.
According to Scaramucci, he said he saw a woman there with a Q shirt on and wanted to know more about it, using it to blast the reporter.
“She started listing things for me,” he said. “The reporter didn’t hear the whole thing of what this guy has predicted. I said wow, I didn’t realize he had gotten so many things right. I’m not focused on Q. I’m not endorsing Q.”
Mooch added, “I don’t know anything about QAnon. The reporter thought he had me in a gotcha moment because that’s what reporters do. He didn’t declare himself as a reporter, didn’t say he was interviewing anybody. I was teasing the woman when I said wait until you find out who the guy is. I don’t know who the guy is. I’m not a QAnon truther. That’s what I don’t like about the media.”
Of course, this completely contradicts the excuse he gave Politico over the weekend that he was actually talking about Kelly and not Q.
After complaining about the media some more and asserting that he won’t be responding “to this joker on Twitter,” he reiterated that he was “not a QAnon truther” while leaving open the possibility that Q could be legit.
“I don’t know anything about QAnon, but according to what the woman said, if it’s true, some of the things the guy put out there turned out to be true,” Scaramucci stated. “Maybe 95 percent turns out to be false. I have no idea. I don’t even look at the stuff.”
Watch the clip above, via CNN.