Nomiki Konst Zings Tucker In Climate Change Debate: ‘You Don’t Like Opinionated Women, Do You?’

One regular feature of Tucker Carlson’s show is the booking of not-ready-for-primetime liberals to slap around for a few minutes so his audience can declare that you “Can’t Cuck the Tuck” after he laughs his overmatched prey off the air.
Every now and then, however, the Fox News host brings someone on savvy and experienced enough who understands the obstacle course they are jumping into. Tonight was one of those nights.
During a segment on climate change that was set up by Carlson saying that “masses aren’t into” addressing the issue as proven by the Paris yellowjacket riots, the conservative commentator welcomed on former The Young Turks host and New York City public advocate candidate Nomiki Konst. And over the next six minutes, Konst wouldn’t fall for Tucker’s normal rhetorical traps while turning the tables on the host.
After swatting away Carlson’s attempt to make the argument about liberal hypocrisy after he cited Bernie Sanders taking private flights, Konst pointed out that “individual choices are not going to solve the disaster that we are facing” and that we need to make large-scale industrial changes soon, such as capping emissions globally.
“Hold on, individual choices always mean something,” Carlson shot back.
“In a libertarian fantasy world,” Konst retorted.
Eventually, Carlson wanted to know how energy prices were going to be kept low, causing the progressive activist to flip it around on Tucker by telling him he was taking the argument “down a rabbit hole.” She followed that up by stating the need to move to 100 percent renewable energy, adding that this would force companies to stop jacking up prices. As she continued to make her point, Carlson tried to interrupt her before snarkily telling her that “volumes not the same as an argument.”
“You don’t like opinionated women, do you?” Konst fired back, causing Carlson to stammer a bit before saying he lives with “four of them” and mockingly exclaiming that he can’t be accused of sexism. Meanwhile, Konst helpfully informed Carlson that he was being a bit loud himself.
The two went back-and-forth a bit more, with Konst giving no quarter and making sure she got her message through all the way to the end. And this time around, there was no Tucker laugh-off.
Watch the clip above, via Fox News.