CNN’s Brian Stelter: ‘I’m Not Sure We Should Broadcast’ Trump’s Nonsensical Ramblings Anymore

In the wake of President Donald Trump’s California trip to survey the horrific wildfire damage that included a number of head-scratching and jaw-dropping comments, CNN senior media correspondent Brian Stelter wondered aloud whether news stations should broadcast the president’s remarks live going forward.
On Saturday, the president blamed the deadly Camp and Woolsey fires on forest management, saying that we “gotta take care of the floors” and that the President of Finland told him that they “spent a lot of time on raking and cleaning” the “floors of the forest” and now they don’t have any problems with forest fires.
Trump: "You gotta take care of the floors. You know the floors of the forest, very important… I was with the President of Finland… he called it a forest nation and they spent a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things and they don't have any problem."
— Contemptor (@TheContemptor) November 17, 2018
During this morning’s Reliable Sources, Stelter noted that the president’s comments were broadcast live on all the networks and that it “was just a lot of nonsense.” He went on to highlight the differences between Finland and Calfornia while noting that Finland has actually had issues with forest fires lately and that the Camp and Woolsey fires aren’t even forest fires.
The CNN host played another clip of Trump claiming that “nobody would have ever thought this could have happened,” calling it “insulting to the victims” and pointing out that local media said the fires were “inevitable.”
“I don’t know what to do in these situations — he’s not just saying something that’s untrue,” Stelter said to legendary reporter Carl Bernstein. “It’s one thing to say something that’s untrue and then we can tell the truth. He’s rambling on in a nonsensical, unhinged way and I’m not sure we should broadcast it on television anymore.”
After explaining that Trump’s positions on climate change and the environment isn’t much different than the Republican Party writ large, Bernstein stated that perhaps it is time to treat Trump’s press conferences and briefings like news events and not carrying them live on air because they’re “basically propaganda.”
Watch the clip above, via CNN.
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