Soledad O’Brien Drags Van Jones Over His ‘Pathetic’ Jared Kushner Interview: ‘This Cannot Be Real’

Sooo, tell us how you really feel, Soledad.
At CNN’s daylong ‘Citizen’ political forum on Monday, CNN political commentator scored a rare interview with White House senior advisor and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner. Jones, who is working with Kushner on the issue of prison reform, found himself on the receiving end of blistering criticism for being a bit, shall we say, gentle with Kushner.
One person who really took it to Jones was former CNN anchor Soledad O’Brien, who didn’t hold back in a series of tweets absolutely assailing the ex-Obama administration official for going easy on the president’s son-in-law.
“This cannot be real,” O’Brien wrote in response to Jones asking Kushner how he got his White House job. “Please tell me this is sarcasm.”
This cannot be real. Please tell me this is sarcasm.
— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) October 22, 2018
Oh come on, Van.
— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) October 22, 2018
In another tweet, she noted that “Van is a terrible, fawning interviewer and has no idea what a decent follow up question is” regarding Kushner saying Trump is a “black swan” and the two adding that it takes “some guts” for Kushner to do the interview.
Sooooo. Van is a terrible, fawning interviewer and has no idea what a decent follow up question is. I think we’ve pretty much established that.
— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) October 22, 2018
After CNN posted a short clip of Jones asking why the public should have confidence in Kushner and the White House official responding that Trump trusts him, O’Brien explained that was a good time for a follow up before blasting Jones for his “pathetic” interview.
Such a good opportunity for a follow up: what WAS accomplished? The campaign WAS notoriously disorganized? Jesus, it’s just a pathetic intv.
— Soledad O'Brien (@soledadobrien) October 22, 2018
In a CNN segment following his Kushner sit-down, Jones responded to his critics, stating that while many wanted him to cut off Kushner and “beat him up,” he felt that it was such a rare opportunity to listen to Kushner that he wanted to “hear him say something.”