CNN’s Nia-Malika Henderson: It ‘Might Actually Be True’ That ‘Folks Will Get Sick Of Winning’

With President Donald Trump on the verge of getting his second Supreme Court nominee confirmed by the Senate, CNN’s Nia-Malika Henderson remarked that perhaps Donald Trump’s prediction that the American public would grow sick of all the winning was coming true this week.
During a panel discussion, anchor Wolf Blitzer noted that if Kavanaugh gets confirmed it will be a big win for the president. He further highlighted that the unemployment rate dropped to its lowest point since 1969, something that Trump “is gloating about.”
“If [Kavanaugh] gets on the bench, this is probably the most important week of his presidency in terms of what it means and what it means for the midterms and what it means for his legacy,” Henderson responded.
She continued, “If Kavanaugh gets on the bench, it’s a culmination of a decades-long fight among Republicans to control the courts and it will matter for 30 or 40 years on many, many issues. Abortion, voting rights. gerrymandering and redistricting. Gun rights and the death penalty. All sorts of issues that come before the court. Obamacare as well.”
She concluded her response by tossing out a quote that just feels like something Trump World will latch onto and the president himself will tweet out.
“At some point, Donald Trump said folks will get sick of winning,” the CNN political reporter stated. “This week, that might actually be true. There have been a lot of W’s.”
Watch the clip above, via CNN.