Watch A GOP Senator Say Democrats May Not ‘Have A Soul’ Because They Weren’t Breastfed

If you’ve only seen Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA) during his daytime interviews on cable news or in Senate hearings, you probably think of him as a genial southern lawyer who hasn’t met a country colloquialism he doesn’t like. If you were watching Tucker Carlson Tonight on Tuesday, however, you may have a different impression of the Republican lawmaker as we got a bit of Kennedy After Dark.
Asked by host Tucker Carlson about his criticism of the handling of the sexual misconduct allegations made against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and whether he believed Democrats were “acting in good faith” regarding the FBI investigation, Kennedy rattled off some over-the-top insults that would normally raise an interviewer’s eyebrows. Instead, Tucker laughed.
“I think there are some Democrats in good faith but I think some of their colleagues it isn’t about searching for the truth, it’s about winning.” Kennedy declared. “It doesn’t matter who gets destroyed.”
He continued, “These are people, I’m not going to name names but I’m not sure they have a soul. I don’t think their mother breastfed them. I think they went right to raw meat.”
Yep, that was a real thing said by a sitting member of the Senate before an audience of millions. And Carlson, unsurprisingly, loved every second of it.
Watch the clip above, via Fox News.