Eric Trump’s ‘Three Extra Shekels’ Remark On Woodward’s Book Draws Gasps And Outrage

With legendary journalist Bob Woodward’s explosive White House tell-all Fear burning up the charts, Team Trump has been working overtime to discredit the book and sully Woodward’s personal reputation. During a Fox and Friends appearance Wednesday morning, second large adult son Eric Trump attacked the book as “sensational nonsense.”
He also made another observation.
ERIC TRUMP attacks Democrats: "Anti-law enforcement, high taxes, and elimination of plastic straws is not a message that will win in November."
ERIC TRUMP then dismisses WOODWARD book as "sensational nonsense" he wrote "to make 3 extra shekels."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 12, 2018
“Don’t you think people look through the fact, you can write some sensational, nonsense book, CNN will definitely have you on there because they love to trash the president?” the Trump scion asked. “It’ll mean you sell three extra books, you make three extra shekels, at the behest of the American people, at the behest of our country, that’s doing a phenomenal job by every quantifiable metric. Is that really where we are?”
Now, besides the fact that Eric Trump obviously doesn’t know what the word “behest” means, the use of “shekels” here really stands out as it is generally only used by anti-Semites and white supremacists. (The shekel is the current form of currency in Israel and was also used by ancient Israelites.)
After Trump’s interview, folks took to Twitter to express their disbelief and outrage that the presidential son would just casually drop that term while slamming a journalist.
Outrageous. If you want to see how the neo-Nazis use the term "shekels" take a quick glance at The Daily Stormer. Eric Trump’s ‘three extra shekels’ attack on Bob Woodward is not some accident any more than Hillary Clinton's image over a Star of David.
— (((JonathanWeisman))) (@jonathanweisman) September 12, 2018
At the top of the Daily Stormer right now: "shekels plz goyim"
— (((JonathanWeisman))) (@jonathanweisman) September 12, 2018
what in the everloving crap
— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) September 12, 2018
You know your sister is Jewish, right Eric?
— Crooks and Liars (@crooksandliars) September 12, 2018
It's insane that Eric Trump said "three extra shekels" on Fox this morning.
— Christopher Mathias (@letsgomathias) September 12, 2018
The president’s son says on Fox News that Bob Woodward sold a book to make “extra shekels” ?
What’s going on here @EricTrump?
— andrew kaczynski
(@KFILE) September 12, 2018
Um, wow. The only people who refer to being paid off as wanting "extra shekels" are Israelis speaking Hebrew and anti-Semites speaking English outside Israel. Eric Trump doesn't speak Hebrew, so you know exactly who he has been reading online.
— (((Yair Rosenberg))) (@Yair_Rosenberg) September 12, 2018
Um, wow. The only people who refer to being paid off as wanting "extra shekels" are Israelis speaking Hebrew and anti-Semites speaking English outside Israel. Eric Trump doesn't speak Hebrew, so you know exactly who he has been reading online.
— (((Yair Rosenberg))) (@Yair_Rosenberg) September 12, 2018
This may come as a surprise to you, but one of President Trump's sons is using "shekels" to describe the profits of a book critical of his father's administration written by Bob Woodward.
Totally normal thing for a successful(?) businessman to do.
— Jim Swift (@JSwiftTWS) September 12, 2018
Speaking of “shekels,” I remember this moment well at a Trump rally in Miami in the last week of the 2016 campaign, a rally where Trump personally targeted @KatyTurNBC from the stage
— Shane Goldmacher (@ShaneGoldmacher) September 12, 2018
"Shekels?" Really? I miss the old days when racists and anti-semites knew to keep their true feelings on the down low.
— Warren Leight (@warrenleightTV) September 12, 2018
— Katie Glueck (@katieglueck) September 12, 2018
Meanwhile, the sewer of the internet is stoked that Eric Trump had tossed out “shekels” on air.
Three guesses as to what community is super excited Eric Trump said "three extra shekels" on Fox & Friends
— Ryan Broderick (@broderick) September 12, 2018
The funny thing is that Woodward isn’t even Jewish — was he confusing Woodward with Carl Bernstein, his Watergate reporting partner?
The one where Eric Trump makes an anti-Semitic remark about Bob Woodward because he's confused Woodward, a gentile, with Carl Bernstein. (probably) via rawstory
— Kara Calavera (@KaraCalavera) September 12, 2018
it's not exactly anti-Semitic to say a Gentile will make three extra shekels
— John Podhoretz (@jpodhoretz) September 12, 2018
I may be wrong, but I always assumed that Bob Woodward was the WASPiest WASP who ever WASPed. These people can't even bother with precision in their hate speech.
— Dennis DiClaudio (@dennisdiclaudio) September 12, 2018