Trump Chides Jeff Sessions As He Tweets A List Of People He Wants Investigated

President Trump has tweeted a long list of people and issues he wants the Justice Department to investigate. In a pair of tweets directed at Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Trump issued a laundry list of things he believe should be investigated.
““Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.” Jeff, this is GREAT, what everyone wants, so look into all of the corruption on the “other side” including deleted Emails, Comey lies & leaks, Mueller conflicts, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr […] FISA abuse, Christopher Steele & his phony and corrupt Dossier, the Clinton Foundation, illegal surveillance of Trump Campaign, Russian collusion by Dems – and so much more. Open up the papers & documents without redaction? Come on Jeff, you can do it, the country is waiting!”
The tweets seemed like Donald Trump’s greatest hits, including all the President’s favorite targets and talking points. Trump is also still indulging in falsehoods about Democrats working with Russia and a conspiracy about Justice Department employee Bruce Ohr. But the President wasn’t finished.
“Ex-NSA contractor to spend 63 months in jail over “classified” information. Gee, this is “small potatoes” compared to what Hillary Clinton did! So unfair Jeff, Double Standard,” Trump tweeted. This is a reference to Reality Winner, who was just sentenced for leaking classified information.
Trump and Sessions clashed yesterday when Sessions said he would not be influence by politics. Trump has been calling for unwarranted investigations for months. Though Sessions was a close ally, his decision to recuse himself from the Mueller probe outraged Trump. Speculation is rife that Trump will fire Sessions.