CNN’s Stelter On Jeanine Pirro: ‘So Who’s Really Panicking,’ Mueller Or The Woman Taunting Him On TV?

With President Donald Trump starting his Sunday morning with another tweetstorm lashing out at the Mueller investigation and the “Fake News,” CNN senior media correspondent Brian Stelter began his Reliable Sources broadcast pointing out how much of Trump’s rantings are fed to him directly by Fox News personalities.
“Who’s panicking?” Stelter asked. “Trump’s media world says Robert Mueller is panicking. But if you look on Twitter, you might think it’s President Trump, who is in a Twitter tizzy this morning, tweeting all sorts of things.”
After pointing out some of his Sunday tweets, the CNN host noted that if you were in a foreign capital “you would look at this and say, is the president okay? Is he all right?” Stelter went on to highlight how a large percentage of the president’s recent tweets were just direct quotes from what he saw on Fox News. This led to Stelter featuring Saturday’s broadcast of Judge Jeanine Pirro’s program, in which she claimed Mueller is panicking.
“So who is really panicking?” Stelter declared. “The woman who is taunting the prosecutor through the tv? Or is it the special counsel team that’s quietly doing its work? There have been no signs of Mueller panicking.”
He continued, “But notice how Pirro fed that idea — fed it to Rudy Giuliani a few minutes later and he happily repeated the panicking thing.”
After playing the Pirro-Giuliani Saturday night exchange, the media analyst pointed out how this all worked.
“So you see how it works?” he said. “You see how the echo chamber or mirror maze is happening? Now it’s Mueller panicking, that’s the new talking point, even though it’s nonsensical.”
He finished his monologue by bringing up Giuliani’s already infamous Meet the Press interview in which the Trump attorney claimed that “truth isn’t truth.”
“Truth isn’t truth,” Stelter concluded. “Fine, maybe we should all be panicking. I’m kidding, of course.”
Watch the clip above, via CNN.