WATCH: Katrina Pierson Lies, Tells Fox News That N-Word Call With Omarosa ‘Did Not Happen’

Former Trump campaign spokesperson and current Trump 2020 adviser Katrina Pierson appeared on Fox News late Monday night to vehemently deny allegations made in former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman’s book that Pierson acknowledged Donald Trump said the N-word. In her upcoming tell-all Unhinged, Omarosa recalls a discussion among Trump staffers over the possibility a tape of Trump saying the racial slur exists, stating Pierson reacted by exclaiming “he said it.”
During her Monday night interview with Ed Henry, the Trump flack was asked about the specific passage in the book — which also claims campaign staffer and current Trump administration official Lynne Patton was on the call — and whether any of that happened.
“No, Ed, that did not happen,” Pierson answered. “It sounds like she’s writing a script for a movie. I’ve been out there talking about this — that is absolutely not true.”
She went on to say that Omarosa was the only one who has brought up the rumored N-word tape and that she feels sorry for the ex-Apprentice contestant as she is in a desperate situation. Pierson also told Henry that she has never heard the president use the N-word or any other racial slur.
Patton would also release a statement in which she claimed that “at no time did I participate in a conference call with Katrina Pierson advising me, Jason Miller and Omarosa Manigault-Newman that Frank Luntz had heard President Donald J. Trump use a derogatory racial term – a claim that Luntz himself has also denied.”
But then Tuesday morning came around — and Omarosa provided a recording to CBS News of Pierson, Patton and Trump campaign communications adviser Jason Miller participating in a conference call in which they discussed how to spin the possible release of the tape. And in it, Pierson can be heard claiming Trump said the slur.
“He said it,” she states on the call. “No, he said it. He’s embarrassed.”
Game. Set. Match.
Watch Pierson lie above, via Fox News.
UPDATE 1:10 PM ET: Now Pierson is acknowledging that she was on a call with Omarosa and other staffers to discuss the alleged tape. After claiming that she was merely humoring Omarosa over the rumors, she released a statement stating the call was “nothing other than sifting through unconfirmed rumors regarding the Apprentice tape and the transcript supports my statement.”
Over the course of three statements, @KatrinaPierson has gone from denying the account in Omarosa’s book and calling it a “script for a movie” to confirming it, but claiming that the things she said were to “placate” Omarosa. This is her latest statement:
— Abby D. Phillip (@abbydphillip) August 14, 2018