Omarosa Says She Heard Trump Say N-Word On Tape, Trump Denies It Exists

Omarosa Manigualt Newman claims she heard President Donald Trump say the N-Word on tape. The former White House aide claims that a former Apprentice contestant, Troy McClain, played the tape for her in the White House. Manigault Newman raised the issue with senior staff in the West Wing several times.
Manigault Newman informed Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly and former Communications Director Hope Hicks but apparently did not give them the full story. The account in her new book appears to conflict with her actions at the time.
McClain acknowledged he had met with Manigault Newman in the White House but seemed to deny that he had played her the tape. Other witnesses have confirmed Manigualt Newman’s report, however. It has long been believed that audio recordings of Trump using the racial slurs were in the possession of Apprentice producer Bill Pruitt. Pruitt claimed to have tapes before the 2016 election but never released them.
President Trump hit back at the new claims on Twitter.
“[T]here are NO TAPES of the Apprentice where I used such a terrible and disgusting word as attributed by Wacky and Deranged Omarosa,” Trump tweeted. “I don’t have that word in my vocabulary, and never have. She made it up.”
“Look at her MANY recent quotes saying such wonderful and powerful things about me – a true Champion of Civil Rights – until she got fired,” the President tweeted. “Omarosa had Zero credibility with the Media (they didn’t want interviews) when she worked in the White House. Now that she says bad about me, they will talk to her.”
Accusations about Trump’s attitude to race are not new. Several people formerly close to Trump have suggested he uses racial slurs. If Manigault Newman has more recordings made in the White House, which she has hinted at, the issue will continue to dominate the news cycle.