Trump Claims His Interview Where He Criticized Theresa May Is ‘Fake News’

We are now at the point of the Trump presidency where even Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloids are getting called “fake news” for committing the crime of repeating his words verbatim.
After giving an explosive and bomb-throwing interview to The Sun on the eve of his British visit in which he slammed UK Prime Minister Theresa May while stating that Boris Johnson would make a “great prime minister,” President Donald Trump denied that he ever criticized May. And, yes, he called the interview “fake news.”
Asked during Friday’s joint press conference with May about his public criticism of an ally just ahead of his meeting, Trump insisted that he “didn’t criticize the prime minister,”
“I have a lot of respect for the prime minister and unfortunately, there was a story that was done which was generally fine but it didn’t put in what I said about the prime minister and I said tremendous things,” he noted. “Fortunately, we tend to record stories now so we have it for your enjoyment if you would like it.”
For the record, The Sun did record the interview and released the majority of it, including parts where the president praised May.
Trump continued, “It’s called fake news and we solve a lot of problems with the gold old recording instrument but what happens is that the prime minister as I just said she’s going to make a decision as to what she’s going do.”
Later on in the presser, Trump said that he met “two nice people from The Sun,” only to be informed that one of them was there. Trump asked the reporter if he included all the nice things he said about the prime minister, only to be told that it was all included in the interview and audio release. Trump then whined that it wasn’t in the headline, all but confirming that he didn’t actually read the write-up or listen to the tape.
Watch the clip above, via CNN.