Conservative Talk Host Walks Out During HLN Segment After Panelist Says The Right Wants ‘Christian Sharia’

Conservative Talk Host Walks Out During HLN Segment After Panelist Says The Right Wants ‘Christian Sharia’

Appearing on HLN this afternoon, conservative talk radio host Steve Deace got so upset when a Muslim guest said that hardcore Christians also want a form of sharia law that he pulled his microphone off and left before the segment was finished.

During a panel discussion on the upcoming Supreme Court pick and how stances on certain moral issues might shape the court, SiriusXM host and Daily Beast columnist Dean Obeidallah mentioned that Christian conservatives like Mike Huckabee want to “turn America into the Christian version of Saudi Arabia.”

When the conversation got back to Deace, who recently said teaching kids about Pride Month is “right out of the pit of hell,” the CRTV host criticized anchor Carol Costello for not condemning Obeidallah’s remarks.

“Once you say certain things like that, that might be great for Dean’s audience on SiriusXM — of all people that agree with him,” Deace exclaimed. “I can play with the game too. Nothing gets accomplished. Right away, I made an attempt to have a higher-minded conversation. Instead, we go right to pro wrestling.”

After Costello said she should have pushed back on the “Christian sharia” thing, Obeidallah pointed out that that “sharia is shorthand for turning religious believes into the law of the land.”

He continued, “I’m not going through the Bible and saying turning this or that. To me that’s what sharia is. I’m not sure why you would be upset. We don’t want laws based on the Bible.”

As Obeidallah was making his point, Deace could be seen ripping his mic off and left the conversation, causing Obeidallah to say it was “ironic he said we don’t have conversations and he walks away from a conversation.”

“I think he felt put upon and, in fairness, he felt you were accusing him as being part of Christian sharia and that’s why he walked out,” Costello noted. “Perhaps I should have pushed back but I know where you’re coming from, right. And he was there and he was welcome to do what he did…but I’m sad you’re gone, Steve.”

Deace took to Twitter after and sent out several tweets about his walkoff:

Watch the clip above, via HLN.

Justin Baragona

Justin Baragona is the founder/publisher of Contemptor and a contributor to The Daily Beast. He was previously the Cable News Correspondent for Mediaite and prior to starting Contemptor, he worked on the editorial staff of PoliticusUSA. During that time, he had his work quoted by USA Today and BBC News, among others. Justin began his published career as a political writer for 411Mania. He resides in St. Louis, MO with his wife and pets.

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