Chris Matthews Tells Democrats To Play ‘Hardball’ Over SCOTUS Pick: ‘Don’t Allow A Vote!’

Wednesday brought the blockbuster news that Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy was retiring, providing President Donald Trump with another opportunity to fill a spot on the SCOTUS bench. Right off the bat, Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch ‘We Won’t Vote On Merrick Garland Until After The Presidential Election’ McConnell called for Kennedy’s replacement to be voted on before November’s midterm elections.
MSNBC host Chris Matthews implored Democrats on Capitol Hill to do everything in their power to block a vote on Kennedy’s replacement before the midterms.
Saying that Trump’s “instinctive views” on issues such as abortion are “frightening,” Matthews stated that it would be equally frightening to allow him to pick another Supreme Court justice. Noting that Kennedy is more moderate than the other conservatives SCOTUS judges, Matthews exclaimed that Trump is “going for it” and is looking to hand out “roses” so he can get five hard-nosed conservatives.
“I don’t think the Democratic Party will stand anymore as a leadership,” he noted. “I think the leadership is finished if they allow this to come to a vote.”
Anchor Ali Velshi asked what choice Democrats have, leading Matthews to say they need to use “hardball tactics” that McConnell is very good at.
“Don’t allow a vote, don’t have a hearing, don’t have a meeting, don’t allow anything to go forward,” the Hardball host declared. “Don’t play ball with this decision.”
Watch the clip above, via MSNBC.