Steve Bannon: ‘I Don’t Believe That’ Donald Trump Has Ever Lied

According to former Breitbart chief and ex-White House chief strategist Steven Bannon, President Donald Trump has never told a lie.
Appearing on ABC News’ This Week in what was billed as his first Sunday news interview since getting booted from the Trump administration, Bannon was pressed by Jonathan Karl on the president’s tendency to not tell the truth.
“I don’t know that,” Bannon told an incredulous Karl. “From what I see, he has [told the truth]. This is another thing to demonize him.”
“You think the president’s never lied?” Karl shot back.
“Not to my knowledge, no,” Bannon replied, jokingly adding “except when he called me Sloppy Steve.”
The ABC reporter pushed back against Bannon’s portrayal of Trump — who has told well over 3,000 lies and falsehoods since entering office — as a truthteller, noting that the president “says things that are not true all the time.”
“I don’t believe that,” Bannon countered. “I think he speaks in a particular vernacular that connects the people in this country.”
Karl eventually pointed out that Trump himself admitted he lied to the New York Times regarding the infamous Trump Tower meeting that his son attended leading Bannon to claim that he doesn’t “know it’s a lie.”
OK then.
Watch the clip above, via ABC News.