Rob Reiner: Fox News And Breitbart Are ‘Essentially State-Run Media’ Propping Up Trump

During a conversation with CNN’s Brian Stelter, liberal filmmaker Rob Reiner claimed conservative-leaning outlets like Fox News and Breitbart were acting like state-run media to push propaganda for President Trump and sow confusion.
After reacting to right-wing news sites and networks constantly taking aim at his comments and remarks, Reiner told Stelter that “propaganda works.”
“Every single administration — Republican, Democrat — all traffic in propaganda either to sell policy or to sell a rational to go to war,” the A Few Good Men director stated. “The difference is, we got a president now who is backed up by essentially state-run media with Fox and Breitbart and Sinclair and Alex Jones.”
Stelter noted that Reiner did not say it was “literally state-run,” leading Reiner to point out that he said they were “essentially” and that they are all “supportive.” He also pointed out that someone like Fox News’ Shepard Smith isn’t running with the company line.
“I spent a lot of time talking to intelligence experts who tell me it’s not so much spreading the lie and getting to believe the lie,” Reiner said. “It’s getting them to be confused. To throw up a lot of smoke and get them to be confused.”
“That’s happening,” Stelter replied.
“Yes,” Reiner exclaimed. “And the autocrat comes to the rescue. Don’t worry, daddy will take care of you.”
Watch the clip above, via CNN.