Donald Trump’s Election Set A New Record: Most Online F-Bombs In A Single Day

Donald Trump set a new record for online swearing on November 9 2016, according to a new study. The day after the presidential election, more people said ‘fuck’ online than on any other day that year. The number of F-bombs jumped dramatically following Trump’s election.
On an average day, internet users say ‘fuck’ 2.6 to 3 million times, though the number rarely rises above 3 million. A new study looked at news, blogs, social media use and other forms of online communication to gauge the use of the swearword in 2016.
Trump was elected in a political upset on November 8 and the next day the number of F-bombs increased by three times the average. Internet users said ‘fuck’ 7.6 million times on November 9 as the news of Trump’s victory sunk in. That’s twice as many as the response to Britain’s vote to leave the European Union.
“The field of fucks was far from barren in 2016,” wrote PR professional and report author Paul Stollery. “In fact, just shy of a billion f—s were given across social media [and] the news this year.”
With nearly a billion uses of the F-bomb last year, the record will be difficult to beat. President-elect Donald Trump will be sworn in on January 20, though no profanity is expected.