Russian Propaganda Site Praises ‘Bold’ And ‘Pragmatic’ Trump

It’s no secret that Russian media outlets have worked to promote Donald Trump and the Russian state is pleased by his rhetoric. A new article published by Sputnik, one of Russia’s English language propaganda news sites, has outlined how Trump is better for US-Russia relations.
The article quotes heavily from a conservative Iranian journalist, Peyman Yazdani. Yazdani writes for Resalat, a Tehran-based newspaper that supports the Iranian Ayatollah Khameni and former, hard line president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Iran is a long-time ally of Russia.
The Sputnik article pointed out Trump’s attacks on NATO – an organisation the Russians have always deeply resented. Trump caused major international worries during the campaign by questioning America’s financial contribution to NATO.
“In the course of his election campaign Donald Trump had thrown the much discussed Article 5 of the bloc’s founding treaty into question,” the article says. “By saying that Washington would come to its allies’ aid only if those nations have ‘fulfilled their obligations’ to the US.”
Sputnik re-published a series of quotes from Iranian journalists attacking the Obama administration’s stance on Russia, America’s European allies and US politicians who oppose closer ties with Russia.
“Trump’s rhetoric and selection of politicians for his future cabinet indicates that he is bold enough to destroy old ‘taboos’ and revive the US-Russian multi-dimensional relationship,” Sputnik explains, expounding on Yazdani’s article.
Sputnik is an arm of Russian state media specifically aimed at a western audience and designed to promote Russia’s interest by influencing public opinion.