Keith Olbermann: Stop Pretending Donald Trump Is A Normal President

Keith Olbermann’s new YouTube series, The Resistance, started yesterday on GQ‘s channel. Olbermann has set himself up as the leader of a resistance to Donald Trump because nobody on the liberal or progressive wing of US politics has stepped up to fight him.
Olbermann used today’s video to remind people that Donald Trump is not an ordinary president. Olbermann said Trump is abnormal, his behavior leading up to his inauguration in January is not typical of a president-elect and it is, in reality, dangerous. Olbermann slammed Trump’s supporters for threatening those who criticize Trump.
Olbermann criticized the media’s willingness to pretend Trump’s transition was normal. He attacked CNN’s false equivalency for failing to call out Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway’s threats to Harry Reid, which Olbermann believes amounted to an attack on the First Amendment.
“And then the radio conspiracy peddler, Alex Jones announces Trump has phoned to thank him and promised to be on his show soon,” Olbermann said. “And now we have to pretend Alex Jones hasn’t claimed that the massacre at Sandy Hook was staged. And we have to pretend that he isn’t crazy. And we have to pretend that it’s not abnormal for a man elected president of the United States to even acknowledge that an Alex Jones exists, let alone to feed his machine of madness and brutality.”
“And then the cabinet names start falling,” Olbermann said. “And we have to pretend Giuliani isn’t an international political whore who hasn’t taken money from repressive elements everywhere from Qatar to El Salvador and who’s now consulting Uber.”
You can watch below.