‘Donald Trump Is Gay’: New Website Mocks ‘Bigot’ President-Elect

A new website has appeared mocking President-elect Donald Trump. Trumpisgay.com parodies Trump by claiming that he is homosexual and he doesn’t want to make American great again but he does want to make it gay. The new site is highlighting what it calls Trump’s bigotry.
The website has prominent placement on Google and whoever is behind it has paid for Google ads that bring the site up when someone googles Trump’s name. The site plays on bizarre rumors during the campaign that Trump was secretly homosexual.
“Donald Trump is a bigot who hates minorities,” the website says. “[He] wants to build a wall to block out Mexicans, thinks President Obama was born in Kenya, wants to deport Muslims, gropes women by the privates, and is quite frankly the worst thing to happen since slavery. Lets throw some satire into the presidency cause its all shits and giggles.”
Trumpisgay.com sells bumper stickers with cartoon versions of Trump and his running mate Mike Pence. The bumper stickers feature rude slogans, swearing and insulting images of the two Republicans. The stickers include an ‘Impeach Trump’ design and one with Trump dressed as Adolf Hitler.
The site hosts a feed of tweets criticizing Donald Trump and linking to articles about Trump. It also has a ‘quote’ from Time magazine on Trump: “A huge fag.”