Keith Olbermann Asks Donald Trump: Are You Loyal To The United States Of America?

Keith Olbermann wants to know why Donald Trump is seen keen to praise dictators and enemies of the United States. In his latest YouTube video for GQ, Olbermann went over the many statements Trump has made praising dictators past and present and wondered why Trump is so willing to defend them.
“So Donald Trump, you have now sided with another dictator against the United States,” Olbermann said, referring to Trump’s defense of Filipino President Rodrigo Duterte. “For 16 months now you have generated a dozen stories a day that would have caused any other candidate to withdraw and flee to the Caymans.”
Olbermann listed Trump’s comments on dictators, from North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un to Russia’s Vladimir Putin and even the late Iraqi despot, Saddam Hussein. “You have almost run out of new dictators to praise,” Olbermann said to Trump.
“How many times have you praised Putin over Obama? Over Clinton? Just this week you did it again,” Olbermann said. Olbermann mocked Trump’s claim that Hillary Clinton had made Putin out to be evil. “Made to be so evil? He is evil, you disloyal bastard!”
“Once again, Trump, your stupidity about authoritarian regimes past or present is rivaled only by your naivete,” Olbermann said, discussing Trump’s praise for China and Saddam Hussein. “When it’s North Korea versus the US, you side with North Korea. When it’s Russia versus the US, you side with Russia. When it’s China versus the US, you side with China. When it’s Iraq versus the US, you side with Iraq. And now when it’s the Philippines versus the US, you side with the Philippines. Trump, I’ve asked this before and I have to ask it again: Are you loyal to the United States of America?”
Watch below.