John Oliver Offers Donald Trump His Emmy If He’ll Admit Defeat In November

John Oliver last night offered Donald Trump a way to concede on November 8th but also claim he had won. Oliver suggested a bet on the presidential election. Oliver would bet on Trump to win, while Trump would bet on himself to lose. If Trump loses and gives a concession speech, Oliver is willing to give Trump his Emmy.
“Here’s the problem here,” Oliver said on Last Week Tonight, “It increasingly seems that if Donald Trump loses, we are not going to get the concession speech that the country badly needs because he is medically incapable of accepting that he is a loser. So we need to find a way for him to give a concession speech while he’s still able to claim that he won something.”
Earlier in the show, Oliver showed Trump refusing to say that he would accept the outcome of the election. “That’s so funny because we thought you were going to say the rational thing that would have put the country at ease but instead you pulled the old switcheroo and you continued to destabilize the foundations of our democracy.”
You can watch below.