Sam Bee Mocks Paul Ryan: You’re Such A Pussy, Trump Would Grab You

Sam Bee Mocks Paul Ryan: You’re Such A Pussy, Trump Would Grab You

Samantha Bee spent much of last night’s show addressing the crisis engulfing the Republican Party. Bee couldn’t pass up an opportunity to mock Donald Trump for his now notorious comments about grabbing women’s genitals but she also had harsh words for the GOP leadership.

Bee began by discussing Scottie Nell Hughes, a Trump surrogate who has stuck by him and appeared on several newscasts to explain why she, and American women, still support the Republican. “Even in the wake of Pussy-ghazi, Trump still hasn’t lost the woman vote,” Bee said before showing footage of Hughes. “Scottie, do you need a hug? ‘Cause I know a couple of dudes who are giving them out.”

Bee moved on to Ted Cruz, whose late endorsement of Trump now seems like a political misstep. Cruz has not rescinded his endorsement but has criticized Trump’s comments. “Aww, I was so looking forward to seeing you in 2020. Bye-ee!” Bee said.

“Meanwhile, a whole lot of Republicans were grappling with the discovery that their Muslim-banning, Mexican-insulting, race-baiting, disability-mocking, Alt-Right-channeling demagogue might not be such a good guy after all,” Bee said. She showed a series of Republicans condemning Trump by saying they had female relatives. Bee then showed a graphic explaining that 100 percent of Americans have at least one female relative.

Bee told Republicans that they should have listened to former first lady Barbara Bush, who in February said she could not vote for a man who said what Trump had said about Fox’s Megyn Kelly. “But what about Paul Ryan, the supposed intellect and conscience of the Republican Party?” Bee asked.

“You don’t have the courage of a single one of your convictions,” Bee told Ryan. “But you were smart to disinvite Trump from your Fall Fest. He wouldn’t have been able to resist grabbing a pussy like you.”

You can watch the segment below.

Darragh Roche

Darragh Roche is Political Media Editor

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