“Julian Assange Is A Hillary Butt-Plug”: Alex Jones Melts Down Over WikiLeaks Troll Job

Having been promised by dirty trickster and Donald Trump ally Roger Stone that WikiLeaks was going to destroy Hillary Clinton with a crippling round of leaked docs this week, crazed conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was crushed when the early morning press conference (that he promoted) turned into a big fat nothing-burger.
Having woken up at 3 AM to broadcast the presser from WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, Jones was eagerly anticipating some juicy, scandal-laden, campaign-breaking shit from the hacker god himself. Instead, he got a bunch of meh and Assange pimping his new book. Well, it goes without saying, the InfoWars creator was none too pleased, especially since he got himself all amped up for the event.
After ranting and raving about it in the early AM hours, Jones then took to his program to bellyache about what he felt were Assange’s false promises. (He should probably look more at Stone for over-hyping the whole thing than Assange, to be honest.)
Pissed off over Assange telling those watching that they were dumb if they thought he was going to reveal some Hillary-killing material, Jones and his broadcast partner decided to rap Ludacris’ ‘Move Bitch’ for some reason.
He also noted had some choice descriptions for Assange, namely that he “is a Hillary butt-plug.” Yeah, that was actually said.
Apparently, the love affair between the conspiratorial right and WikiLeaks is over…at least until Assange releases more leaked docs that hurt Hillary and/or Democrats.