John Oliver: Donald Trump Is ‘A Racist Scarecrow’ And You Should Be ‘F*cking Outraged’

John Oliver returned to screens last night and wasted no time tearing into Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Oliver discussed the drawbacks both candidates have but made it clear that Trump is by far the most dangerous and the most unknown.
“I do know that even talking about her scandals will irritate some of you, given that her opponent is an unambiguously racist scarecrow stuffed with scrunched-up copies of Jugs magazine, and that’s fair,” Oliver said. “But not being as bad as Donald Trump is a low bar to clear, and if you focus on nothing but him, you fail to vet a woman who might be president.”
“We’ve spent several frustrating weeks trolling through all the innuendo and exaggerations surrounding Hillary’s email and foundation scandals, and the worst thing we can say is that they both look bad. But the harder you look, the less you actually find,” he said. “There’s not nothing there, but what is there is irritating rather than grossly nefarious.”
Calling Trump ‘America’s wealthiest hemorrhoid’, Oliver said that Trump’s failure to release his tax returns was one of Trump’s biggest problems. “Bear in mind: we know nothing about Trump’s finances, and that is not good. He’s the first major party nominee since 1980 not to release his tax returns, and his justification is pathetic,” Oliver said.
“There is everything, from the ongoing lawsuits against that bullshit university, to the alleged use of undocumented workers when building Trump Tower, to the fact that he received an illegal $3.5 million loan from his father in the form of a purchase of chips from one of Trump’s casinos,” he said, trying to briefly summarize the many questions and allegations surrounding Trump.
“The point is this: the campaign has been dominated by scandals, but it is dangerous to think there is an equal number on both sides,” Oliver said. “You can be irritated by some of Hillary’s. That is understandable, but you should be fucking outraged by Trump’s.”
You can watch the segment below.