Donald J. Trump Is A Big Fat Pussy

If there is one thing we’ve learned in the past 48 hours, it is that Donald J. Trump is irrefutably a big fat pussy.
On Wednesday, the Republican standard-bearer went to Flint, Michigan in order to continue his transparent attempt to peel off a couple of percentage points of black voters. He figured he could do like he did a couple of weeks earlier — walk around in a predominately African-American portion of the country and speak at a black church to get some brownie points from the press.
Of course, things didn’t go quite as smoothly in Flint as they did in Detroit (which was still seen as nothing but a panderfest). Stepping up to the podium at the Bethel United Methodist Church, Trump was all set to deliver a stump speech where he would slam Crooked Hillary and blame her for all of Flint’s ills. However, the church’s pastor, Faith Green Timmons, stopped him dead in his tracks, telling him he was not to use her pulpit to deliver a political message. A chastened Trump, with his head down, stammered and shuffled some papers, moving on to a basic statement on the Flint water crisis.
The next morning, calling into Fox & Friends from the safety of his bedroom, Trump lashed out at the pastor. He claimed that she set him up while describing her as a “nervous wreck.” He also claimed that the small audience at the church had his back and wanted to hear what he had to say about Clinton. NPR noted later this was a complete lie, but it doesn’t matter. Trump is gonna say what he wants to say, especially when he’s in his safe space. And Fox News provides him that.
We witnessed the same thing today. After his campaign kept trying to get him to disavow his long-held birtherism, with numerous surrogates and staffers proclaiming for him that he no longer believed President Obama was born in another country, Trump finally said the words. Now, this only came about because of a Washington Post interview where he played coy, refusing to answer if he was still a birther. The publication of that piece was followed up shortly by a campaign statement from spokesman Jason Miller that tied Clinton the the birther movement, proclaimed Trump a hero for forcing Obama to release the long-form certificate and stated that Trump acknowledges Obama was born in the US.
It felt like this was the final push over the edge by the campaign to force The Donald to finally publicly renounce birtherism. With the first presidential debate less than two weeks away, they want him to just say it so it can hopefully not be an embarrassing trip-up question that can create a no-win situation on stage. So, he did the deed, but only after he got to pimp his DC hotel, have the networks show a bunch of vets singing his praises and cram a bunch of lies into a 30-second statement. (I.e. Hillary started the birther movement and he “finished” the conspiracy theory in 2011.)
But the pussy part wasn’t just him projecting and lying. No. He refused to take any questions from the press after he delivered the long-awaited remarks. Worse, he wanted to take cameras on a tour of his new hotel so that the networks would show footage online and during broadcasts. But he refused to allow even a producer to go along with the news cameras, having her physically restrained, lest she try to ask him a question. (Thankfully, in a rare instance of standing up to Trump, the networks deleted the hotel footage so it wouldn’t be used.)
Trump tried to rely on others to get him past this birther issue, an issue he embraced for years because it endeared him to millions of Obama-hating racists but now presents him with a legit obstacle to winning the White House. Instead of facing the heat after years of brazenly accusing POTUS of being a Kenyan usurper, Trump tried to gaslight the public while running away. Because he’s a coward. Because he’s a wimp. Because he’s a big fat pussy.
When he gets back into a safe space, he’ll bellow and bloviate. He’ll talk shit about Hillary and whoever he thinks wasn’t ‘fair’ to him today. There’ll be the mean tweets. There’ll be the chest puffing on a rally stage. There’ll be the grandstanding on Hannity and The O’Reilly Factor.
But, when confronted with a difficult confrontation, like standing on the same stage as the Mexican president or David Letterman showing him Trump ties made in China, he’ll wither under the heat. He’s tough only when he has a crowd behind him. One-on-one, faced with an adversary, he can’t cope. He shrinks. Because that’s what pussies do.