DL Hughley: “Donald Trump Being President Is Like Flavor Flav Winning A Spelling Bee”

After San Francisco 49ers’ quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s decision to sit during the national anthem became a national story following his explanation that it was due to America’s treatment of blacks, comedian DL Hughley posted a short video on social media showing support for the football player’s decision. In hitting back at the QB’s critics, he compared Kaep’s protest to Rosa Parks’, pointing out that white people tend to have a problem with black folks sitting down.
is blessed w/an arm & a voice. Thank God he has conscious heart & soul to use them both. #TeamDL pic.twitter.com/B7vS6Bb02K— DL Hughley (@RealDLHughley) August 29, 2016
Tuesday morning, Hughley appeared on CNN’s New Day to discuss Kaepernick and how his actions are impacting today’s social and political discourse. Speaking to host Chris Cuomo, Hughley noted that while he has no issues with people criticizing Kaepernick over his decision, as they are free to do that, he wonders why those same people seemingly have no issue with police brutality of people of color, which is why the athlete is protesting.
In addition, the comic highlighted that one of the main reasons it seems people are pissed at Kaepernick is due to the fact that he’s a highly-paid football player, and that his political activism is fucking with their “escape from reality.” As Hughley stated, “Black people oftentimes don’t get an escape from reality. Reality confronts us all the time, there’s no Sunday off.”
Towards the end of the interview, Cuomo asked Hughley, a loud Donald Trump critic, to weigh in on the presidential race. After pointing out that Hillary Clinton has issues of her own with trustworthiness, she’s at least competent and intelligent, and with limited options now, there really is no other choice. Meanwhile, regarding Trump, he made the following apt comparison: “Donald Trump being president is like Flavor Flav winning a spelling bee.”
He justified the remark by claiming that Trump’s entire campaign is based on him being trusted to do something he’s never done before, and that he’ll do it well. Hughley also said it is a good thing to see Trump more and more down the home stretch, especially away from his sycophants, as it shows voters he’s nothing more than “an empty suit.”
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of CNN:
.@RealDLHughley: “Donald Trump being president is like @FlavorFlav winning a spelling bee” https://t.co/bqwi4VLvrk
— New Day (@NewDay) August 30, 2016