Fox’s Eric Bolling Really Wants You To Believe That Trump Didn’t Call Hillary A Bigot

While an interview of Donald Trump doubling down on his “Hillary Clinton is a bigot” comment aired on CNN, one of his biggest defenders was caping for him over at Fox.
Eric Bolling, who usually does his Trump-licking at 5 PM ET while hosting The Five, stepped in for Bill O’Reilly Thursday night to man The O’Reilly Factor desk. And, in back-to-back segments, Bolling, ever the loving Trumpkin, tried to do Daddy proud by claiming the GOP nominee didn’t say what everyone heard him say.
Speaking to former Bush adviser Karl Rove, Bolling played tape of Trump calling Hillary a bigot and then tried to spin it as if the real estate mogul was making a statement on her policies. After Rove said that Trump’s comments were unhelpful, the Fox host asked, “Is he calling Hillary Clinton a bigot?” He then read off a statement from Trump decrying Democratic policies that Hillary supports.
Rove, though, pushed back on Bolling, letting him know his shitty Jedi mind trick wasn’t working.
From Media Matters transcript:
“Eric, that’s the kind of language you should have, not what he said last night. Go back and replay your own piece of film. He said Hillary Clinton is a bigot. Those are her words. Not mine. So, yeah, he did call her a bigot. That was a mistake.”
First things first, at the beginning of this segment, Bolling PLAYED THE VIDEO. He fucking heard those words come out. And, yet, he’s trying to pretend Donald Trump never uttered them, that he meant something else. O-K.
Now, when Turd Blossom calls you out for your mendacity, you’d usually think to yourself, “Maybe I shouldn’t try that anymore.” But Bolling did.
Speaking to economist Austan Goolsbee, Bolling once again tried the whole ‘Trump is just saying Democratic policies are bigoted, not Hillary personally’ approach. And it worked just as well as it did with Rove.
“Well, when his quote was ‘Hillary Clinton is a bigot,’ I think he is saying Hillary Clinton is a bigot,” a clearly amused Goolsbee retorted. Bolling then tried to switch the subject to economics, only to continue to get his ass whipped by Goolsbee.
Poor Eric. Trump never taught him the art of proper gaslighting.
Below is video of the Goolsbee segment, courtesy of Fox News: