Joy Reid To Trump-Supporting Pastor: “No Sir, Even A Pastor Cannot Make Things Up”

One of the more clownish figures among Donald Trump’s menagerie of nutters acting as surrogates this election has been Darrell Scott, a prosperity gospel-spewing black pastor who has hitched himself to the Trump Train in an effort to expand his own celebrity. You may have noticed him making a fool of himself regularly on CNN, where his unique brand of faux punditry is welcomed as part of the network’s mega panels of sound and fury signifying nothing.
Scott made his way to MSNBC Saturday morning to speak to Joy Reid and he was met with a little more pushback than he’s used to. During a discussion on Trump’s recent appeals to African-American voters, the AM Joy host held Scott’s feet to the fire regarding Trump addressing black concerns in front of exclusively white audiences. In response to Scott’s bullshit answer that Trump has to book his venues months in advance due to his crowd sizes (this is a lie — he doesn’t do this), Reid asked him why Trump didn’t accept the invites to speak to the NAACP, Urban League and Association of Black Journalists.
Of course, Scott had excuses for those snubs, saying Trump is a “cultural phenomenon” who has so much on his plate that he can’t take every invite. Also, the NAACP event occurred close to the Republican National Convention, and the Republican standard-bearer was very, very, VERY busy prepping for that. (The same RNC that, after it was ridiculed, Trump said he just showed up to and had no part in organizing it.)
After Reid had spoken to her other guest, Leah Wright Riguer, for a couple of minutes about actual policy and substance, it was back to Scott’s clown show. Reid mentioned that if Trump were so concerned about the plight of blacks in America, why did he engage in housing discrimination as a landlord or mainstream birtherism in 2011? The good pastor called the discrimination against black renters “accusations,” despite the fact that Trump settled with the federal government over the matter, something Reid highlighted several times.
When it came to the birther issue, though, Reid had just about enough of Scott’s foolishness. When the Trump surrogate repeated the long-debunked claim that birtherism started with Hillary Clinton — a tactic Trumpkins use to deflect Trump’s repeated questioning of President Obama’s birthplace — the MSNBC host put him in his place.
“No sir, even a pastor cannot make things up,” Reid bluntly said, scolding Darrell Scott like he was a second-grader denying he put gum in a girl’s hair.
And that, as they say, was that.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of MSNBC: