CNN Had To Break The News To Trump’s Lawyer That Trump’s Losing In All The Polls

Trump lawyer Michael Cohen, who has a history of shooting himself in the dick on live TV, made a fool of himself once again on Wednesday afternoon. Appearing on CNN to talk about the staff shakeup in the Trump campaign, Cohen had to be spoken to as if he were a small child by anchor Brianna Keilar.
Cohen began by trying to convince Keilar that Trump’s late-cycle decision to place Breitbart chief Steve Bannon and pollster Kellyanne Conway into the top leadership spots in the campaign didn’t signal a dramatic overhaul. (Not to mention that Trump had shitcanned campaign manager Corey Lewandowski less than two months ago.) Basically, Cohen’s argument was something something Hillary Clinton something something everything is awesome something something liberal media bias.
Eventually, Keilar cut through Cohen’s bullshit and pointed out to him that this would be called a shakeup/overhaul/dramatic switch in strategy/whatever by anyone, regardless of ideological leanings or rooting interest, because the Trump campaign is down in the polls. Except the campaign adviser and special counsel didn’t believe her, wanting to know what polls she was referring to.
The below exchange is just pure magic:
[Begin scene]
Keilar: You say it’s not a shakeup, but you guys are down. And it makes sense…
Cohen [gruffly]: Says who? Says who?
Keilar [with a confused look on her face]: Polls. Most of them. All of them.
[Awkwardly long pause]
Cohen: Says who?
Keilar [clearly frustrated]: Polls. I just told you. I answered your question.
Cohen: OK. Which polls?
Keilar [as if telling a young child his pet goldfish is dead]: All of them.
Cohen [nonplussed]: OK. And your question is?
[End scene]
Here’s video of the moment, courtesy of CNN’s Dylan Byers:
This is just fantastic @brikeilarcnn
— Dylan Byers (@DylanByers) August 17, 2016
Unsurprisingly, this moment went viral nearly immediately. #SaysWho began trending on Twitter. Everyone was pointing and laughing at poor Mikey. Well, except for Diamond and Silk. They had his back.
.@brikeilarcnn @CNNSitRoom is such a rude and bias interviewer. #SaysWho? Says @DiamondandSilk.@MichaelCohen212
— Diamond and Silk® (@DiamondandSilk) August 18, 2016
.@brikeilarcnn @CNNSitRoom being condescending during the interview with @MichaelCohen212 #SaysWho @DiamondandSilk
— Diamond and Silk® (@DiamondandSilk) August 18, 2016
Even though he was clearly owned by Keilar during the interview, and had quickly become the butt of jokes everywhere, in classic Trumpian fashion, Cohen told Yahoo News that he came out on top.
In a conversation with Yahoo News shortly after the conversation aired, Michael Cohen, an executive vice president and attorney at the Trump Organization, said he believed he “controlled the interview” with Brianna Keilar.
“I think I unraveled her,” Cohen boasted.
Whatever you need to tell yourself, Mikey. Whatever you need to tell yourself.