Trevor Noah Feels Sorry For Trump’s ‘Royally F*cked’ Campaign Surrogates

The Daily Show‘s Trevor Noah felt sorry for Donald Trump’s campaign surrogates last night. In a segment about Trump’s defenders’ media appearances, Noah lamented the verbal gymnastics and contradictory statements Trump surrogates were forced to make.
Noah showed a clip of campaign spokesperson Katrina Pierson’s Afghanistan gaffe and her appearance on a reality TV show. “I really feel so bad for her and all of Donald Trump’s surrogates because that has to be the hardest job in the world.”
“As a surrogate, anything the candidate says, the surrogate has to defend it,” Noah said before showing a now infamous clip of Trump claiming Barack Obama founded ISIS. “We get to watch it, we get to be shocked, we get to laugh and then we get to weep for America’s future,” Noah said.
“That’s exactly what America needs as a president: a man who is so all over the place that even the people who are hired as communications specialists are now the shrugging emoji.”
You can watch the segment below.