Fox’s Greg Gutfeld Tells His Colleagues They’ve Turned Trump “Into A Spoiled Child”

While the majority of Fox News’ on-air ‘talent’ has been in the tank for Donald Trump these past few months, especially when it was clear he was going to be the Republican nominee, there has been one very public holdout — Greg Gutfeld. As Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, Eric Bolling and the Fox & Friends crew spend their days carrying the ex-Apprentice host’s water and tossing softballs to him during interviews, Gutfeld has been the rare critical voice at the Fair & Balanced network.
During Friday’s broadcast of The Five, Gutfeld went after Bolling and fellow co-host Kimberly Guilfoyle for always finding a way to explain away Trump’s offensive and inflammatory remarks. This came after Bolling began a segment equating Trump’s “founders of ISIS” comments with Hillary Clinton stating that the real estate mogul’s anti-Muslim rhetoric was the perfect recruitment tool for the Islamic State. Bolling then threw it over to Guilfoyle, who called it a double standard and blamed Clinton and President Obama for baiting Trump into saying ridiculous things.
Likely due to the unbelievable spin from the Trump-loving duo, something he experiences on a daily basis, Gutfeld called them out for being sycophants. He explained that it is absolutely silly to complain about media bias with Trump now when he had 4-5 times more coverage than anyone else throughout the primary season PARTICULARLY because he kept saying crazy shit. You can’t now whine about the press paying attention to your words and actions when you courted that type of incessant coverage in the first place.
The Fox personality continued, saying everyone knows Trump’s lying when he said he was being sarcastic about the ISIS remarks. (Which he proved Friday afternoon.) After segueing into a tangent about Trump using the old liberal playbook of painting your opponent as a threat, he noted that a recent statement from Trump that he was most offended by was him saying he’d just go back to his nice life if he doesn’t win. In Gutfeld’s view, this should piss off Trump’s supporters because he’s already talking about losing when they’re living, breathing and eating Trump.
Just as Gutfeld expected, Kim and Eric were right there explaining away those comments. They both wanted to provide context, complained about how the soundbite Gutfeld was quoting was “cut off” and that all Trump was saying was that he wouldn’t continue to be a politician if he’s defeated. While they were falling over themselves defending all things Trump, Greg let them have it:
“You’re turning him into a spoiled child. He can rely on you guys to explain, isn’t it exhausting to explain?”
In that one phrase, Gutfeld said all you need to know about Trump as a presidential candidate. If you have to keep explaining what he’s trying to say, and it is utterly exhausting doing it day in and day out, aren’t we just dealing with a tantrum-throwing privileged kindergartner here? If his defenders are constantly having to provide context, pivot to whining about liberal media bias or distract by bringing up something unrelated, then why exactly are they supporting the man in the first place?
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Media Matters: