Katrina Pierson’s Logic-Defying Defense Of Trump Leaves MSNBC’s Kate Snow “Speechless”

We’re now on Day 2 of Donald Trump’s latest controversy — his “Second Amendment people” comments — and his campaign and loyal sycophants are continuing to do their level best to spin, obfuscate or straight-up gaslight when it comes to defending the Orange One.
Appearing on MSNBC, campaign spokeswoman Katrina Pierson, who last week was busy blaming President Obama for a soldier’s 2004 death and overinflating casualty numbers in the Middle East, decided to thoroughly confuse anchor Kate Snow. In fact, at one point in the conversation, Snow blurted out that she was “speechless” trying to follow Pierson’s logic.
Throughout the nearly ten-minute long interview, Pierson presented a brand new explanation for Trump’s remarks, one that had yet to be presented by Trump’s team. Instead of saying it was just a poorly worded joke, or that he was energizing gun advocates to go to the polls and vote, Pierson claimed that the real estate mogul was instead referencing the power of the NRA lobby in Washington.
Pointing out that the NRA is a “bipartisan organization” that puts the fear in Democrats on Capitol Hill, the shoplifter turned campaign flack explained that Trump was merely highlighting the fact that the NRA would take care of things if Hillary Clinton were elected.
“No one is talking about the power of the NRA on the Democrat side. They have been able to stop senators from appointing people that are hostile towards the Second Amendment. And that’s what he’s talking about. That would be the only way to stop something like that happening, is if the NRA were able to get out there and stop these senators from approving anyone that was hostile to the Second Amendment because there’s a lot of political power there, even for Democrats.”
However, as highlighted by Talking Points Memo, this contradicts what spokesman Jason Miller and running mate Mike Pence have already stated in relation to The Donald’s remarks.
Snow tried to point that out, but Pierson merely said that she hadn’t heard anything contrary from the campaign from what she is saying. Moving on, Snow wanted to know if the Republican standard-bearer has a responsibility to clarify his words, especially since many, many, many people believe that it is a call to violence. Of course, Pierson just blamed the liberal media for the confusion surrounding her boss’s comments.
As if the discussion hadn’t already hit the skids, Snow finally said ‘no mas’ when Pierson twisted and turned her way into some kind of logical black hole. In response to the MSNBC host’s questions about Trump perhaps causing issues with himself during talks with other world leaders when it came to coherency, the spokeswoman gave the following answer:
“He wasn’t talking about policy. He wasn’t talking about implementation of policy. He was talking about what would happen if Hillary Clinton were to be elected and he was absolutely right.”
Ummmm, what? That has nothing to do with what Snow asked, which was exactly her reply. After pausing for what seemed like an eternity, Snow said, “I’m speechless because I’m trying to follow your logic here, Katrina, and I’m having a hard time.”
For the first time the whole interview, Pierson finally said something that made sense to all of us: “I can tell.”
Below is video of the interview, courtesy of Raw Story: