Bill Maher Asks Julian Assange: Why Are You F*cking With The One Person Standing In Trump’s Way?

Bill Maher interviewed Wikileaks head Julian Assange last night and had one thing on his mind. Maher wanted to know why Wikileaks hasn’t hacked Donald Trump yet. Maher questioned Assange about the ethics of hacking the DNC while Hillary Clinton is the only person standing between Trump and the White House.
“Why don’t you hack into Donald Trump’s tax returns?” Maher asked. Trump has refused to release his tax returns, despite every presidential candidate doing so since the 1970s. Assange implied that Wikileaks may soon have something to publish from the Trump campaign in a ‘watch this space’ moment.
Maher then criticized Wikileaks for encouraging the idea there was a plot against Bernie Sanders. Assange said he ‘knew’ the DNC had plotted to stop Sanders winning the nomination and he was delighted with the resignations the email leak caused.
Maher, a reluctant Clinton supporter, took Assange to task for apparently co-operating with Russia to hurt the Democrats. “It looks like you are working with a bad actor, Russia, to put your thumb on the scale and basically fuck with the one person who stands in the way of us being ruled by Donald Trump.”
You can watch the full interview below.
If Assange doesn’t hack Trump tax returns, he is nothing more than a puppet for Russia. Being partisan in OUR ELECTIONS makes one question his backers.
I remember when Wikileaks brought forth information about the Iraq war. We had hard evidence that the propaganda from the Bush administration was false. My fellow D’s loved Wikileaks. Now the provide evidence that the DNC is corrupt ad the response from D’s is, “the Russians are coming!!!!”
It’s little wonder why corruption is so rampant. No matter what is discovered politicians can always count on their team (whichever one that might be) to rally around them.
Among other things, Luis Miranda’s plot against refugee kids and discouraging more from coming was more important than Trump’s whatever tax returns.