Joe And Mika To Make Relationship Public After Brzezinksi’s Divorce Goes Through

One of the worst-kept secrets in news media may finally be confirmed in the near future.
Page Six — yeah, I know –– is reporting that Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski recently settled her divorce with ex-husband James Hoffer, a WABC reporter. Their divorce was done quietly and out of the public eye, but MSNBC did confirm to the tabloid’s Emily Smith that Mika’s split is now complete.
“Mika’s divorce was finalized in the past year. She’s really grateful that it was done amicably and in private. This has, of course, been a painful time for her family. So right now she is focused on her two teenage daughters, and on continuing to heal.”
This is now fueling speculation that Mika and her on-air partner Joe Scarborough will publicly acknowledge that they’re romantically attached. (They coyly referenced the gossip headlines during Thursday’s broadcast.) According to the gossip rag, an NBC staffer pointed out that everybody already knows that the two are banging.
“Everybody at 30 Rock knows they are a couple . . . They are constantly together, they arrive and leave events together, even on weekends. They are each other’s publicists and finish each other’s sentences. It’s the worst-kept secret in TV.”
Rumors have swirled that the duo were fucking on the side ever since Scarborough divorced his wife in 2013. It was felt at that time his divorce was due in part to his close relationship with Brzezinski. Besides their constant flirtations and couple-like bickering on air, a couple of recent events have supported the notion that they’re together.
First, we have the two visiting Donald Trump’s hotel room together to watch the primary returns in New Hampshire earlier this year. Sure, they stated they did this only for a potential interview, but it certainly points to a causal, off-air relationship the two enjoy.
Also, weeks after that, one of Trump’s cell phones was hacked, and his voice messages were publicly released by the hackers. One of the voice mails was from Joe and Mika. The two left a chummy message for the Trumpster, acknowledging that they were hanging out with each others’ kids at the time, revealing that this was on their personal time and not on the set.
I’m sure there’s a joke about Knowing Your Value in this story, but I’m just not smart or witty enough to make it.