Chuck Todd Tells Paul Ryan That He’s Picking “Party Over Country” By Sticking With Trump

During an ‘exclusive’ interview with Speaker of the House Paul Ryan that aired on Sunday, Meet the Press host Chuck Todd trapped the Wisconsin Republican with his own words regarding his support for presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump.
Ryan, trying to portray himself as a very serious legislator who can have legitimate disagreements with members of his own party, stumbled right into the snare that Todd didn’t even have to carefully set. Speaking about the numerous bigoted and racist comments Trump has made recently, along with his general buffoonery, Ryan stated that he still needed to fully back him because he’s the standard-bearer for the party.
“I feel like I have certain responsibilities as not just Congressman Paul Ryan from the 1st District of Wisconsin, but at Speaker of the House. And imagine the Speaker of the House not supporting the duly elected nominee of our party, therefore creating a chasm in our party to split us in half, which basically helps deny us the White House and strong majorities in Congress.
Now having said that, if something is done and said that I don’t agree with, that I think puts a bad label on conservatism then I’m going to speak out on it as I have, as I will continue to do. And I hope I don’t have to keep doing it.”
Ol’ Chucky Boy was totally ready for this response, countering with this gem:
“You just made a case though of party over country!”
Well, Paul sure as hell didn’t like getting caught like that, and went full Monty Python, contradicting what he had just said.
“No, I didn’t! I know Hillary Clinton won’t agree with anything we want to do. She’ll put a bad judge on the Supreme Court, she won’t agree with any of the conservative reforms we are trying to do.”
Poor, poor, poor Paul Ryan. He walked right into that one and didn’t even realize it was happening. Considering how many times he’s been peppered with questions regarding his endorsement of Trump over the past couple of weeks, you’d think he’d be more prepared for something like this, especially considering it was a sit-down interview.
Below is video of the exchange: