After Interviewing Trump And Sanders, Morning Joe Complains That Hillary Shouts Too Much

Sometimes, the lack of self-awareness among the pundit crowd is a true wonder to behold.
Both Democratic Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders and GOP White House hopeful Donald Trump appeared on Wednesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s Morning Joe. Bernie spoke about his decision to show up at Thursday’s debate with Hillary Clinton, his virtual tie at the Iowa caucus and his views on healthcare in this country. Meanwhile, The Donald discussed his second-place finish in Iowa, his lack of knowledge when it comes to ‘ground game’ and how voters don’t appreciate how fabulously wealthy he is.
Now, it should be noted that both candidates are well-known for being very loud at their campaign rallies, with both men generally screaming most of the time when they’re in front of their supporters. Even in interviews, like on Wednesday, they tend to raise their voices and speak in an unorthodox manner. It is one of the reasons why pundits tend to conflate the two men’s campaigns, saying they are both appealing to the same kinds of voters.
Anyway, during the same broadcast that featured Joe Scarborough speaking to both men, he and panelist Bob Woodward got into a conversation about Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. Even though Joe had just spent time talking to Trump and Bernie, he agreed with Woodward that one of Hillary’s ‘problems’ is that she shouts too much while on the campaign trail.
From Media Matters’ transcript of the show:
BOB WOODWARD: Some of these past policies have not been great. I think a lot of it with Hillary Clinton has to do with style and delivery, oddly enough. She shouts. There’s something unrelaxed about the way she is communicating and I think that just jumps off —
JOE SCARBOROUGH (CO-HOST): So Bob, it’s interesting you said that. Because last night I was watching her and I said to myself has nobody told her that the microphone works? Because she always keeps it up here. The genius of Reagan was, Cokie, Reagan kept it down low. He knew how.
Perhaps the term sexism gets tossed around too loosely at times when it comes to Hillary Clinton, but this is textbook sexism. Two men, veterans of journalism, television and politics, conveniently sweep aside the speaking styles of two stereotypically bombastic male candidates while simultaneously berating a woman for being too loud. Double standard, much?
Woodward and Joe further hammered the point during the conversation, with the Washington Post writer saying Hillary has to stop “screaming stuff” and tone down her style and delivery. You know, whenever you hear people complain about the patriarchal nature of this country and its politics, this segment could be used as a prime example.
Below is video of the discussion, courtesy of MSNBC:
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