Talking Out Of His Ass, Giuliani Says U.S. Will Experience Five More Terror Attacks In 2016

Fear-mongering has been the Republican Party’s bread-and-butter for some time now, but has seemingly gone into hyperdrive this election season. Of course, that tends to happen when your party is bankrupt on ideas and your Presidential frontrunner is calling for a complete ban of an entire religious group.
In an effort to scare cable news consuming retirees to death, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani appeared on MSNBC’s Morning Joe to ostensibly talk about how safe the country is from terrorism. Now, mind you, Giuliani holds no governmental position and hasn’t since stepping down as mayor shortly after 9-11. Congress placed him on a bipartisan panel to assess the Iraq War in 2006, but he failed to attend any meetings and later stepped down. Since 2002, he’s either been a failed Presidential candidate, a private businessman or a pundit. But, sure, let’s ask him about the current state of national security because obviously he’s an ‘expert’.
Anyway, after host Joe Scarborough asked him about the safety level of the country in terms of future terror attacks, Giuliani explicitly stated that the United States was incredibly unsafe and that we would experience multiple attacks in 2016.
After pointing out that he told officials in San Bernardino that they’d need to be prepared to comfort more victims in the future while attending a memorial there — really, who says shit like that?!?! — Mr. 9-11 had the following to say:
“If you say to me, ‘we’re gonna have four, five more attacks in the next year,’ I wouldn’t be surprised. These attacks are relatively easy to do.”
And, since we all know that terrorism only means Radical Islamic Terrorism ™, we then got a fill of Rudy informing us all of the need for Muslims to repudiate and condemn the jihadists and radicals in their fold. (You know this has happened A LOT, right? RIGHT?) This led to Giuliani opining about Islam needing a reformation like the Protestants and Catholics and how people shouldn’t be concerned about racially profiling if they see someone in Muslim garb acting suspiciously.
Anyway, this was peak Giuliani. Which, needless to say, is dangerous in large doses.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of MSNBC: