Fox News Is Really Mad That Obama Brought Up The Fact That He’s The First Black President

During Monday’s broadcast of Fox & Friends, co-host and K-Mart mannequin Steve Doocy sat down with Fox News analyst and Roger Ailes confidant Peter Johnson, Jr. to bitch about President Obama’s year-in-review interview with NPR’s Steve Inskeep. While Johnson and Doocy had issues with pretty much everything the President said in the interview, the part that really stuck in their craw was when Obama pointed out that many Republicans have a tough time dealing with his being the first black President.
In the quite extensive NPR interview, POTUS explained to Inskeep that he has faced some special circumstances that previous White House occupants never had to face. Specifically, others have not been called a secret Muslim or a non-citizen or a terrorist sympathizer. Obama pointed out that being the first African-American president is at least partially the reason why he is confronted with this type of rhetoric and anger.
Well, this didn’t sit well with Johnson at all. In his opinion, Obama is being extremely divisive by bringing up his race and that he’s “totally, totally wrong” to seemingly tie racism to reasons why many oppose him. Prior to playing video of Obama discussing being the first black president, Johnson said the following:
“We see in that NPR interview another instance of that blame everyone else other than me, the president. Asked about the fears of some Americans that he’s changing the country and that he changed the country in a way that’s unacceptable to them, he said in part, and this was his first response, listen in.”
Then, following a truncated and out-of-context clip of Obama telling Inskeep that he has dealt with issues due to being a black man in the White House, Johnson got all apoplectic, claiming Obama was making excuses for his failures.
“We understand that racism is a strain in American politics and, unfortunately, has been a long time. I saw it with David Dinkins, as the first African-American mayor here in New York City. But it’s not an explanation. It’s not an excuse. He shouldn’t resort to that. It divides America, on top of that I believe he’s totally, totally wrong. He needs to understand what Americans are thinking and that’s the wrong way to do it.”
You always have to love when white guys comfortably housed in echo chambers tell black men when they should or shouldn’t discuss race. As we all know by now, Fox News is gonna Fox News.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Fox News: