Donald Trump Channels Al Capone, Says We “Have To Take Out Their Families” To Beat ISIS

Another day, another opportunity for Republican Presidential hopeful and King of the Oompa Loompas Donald Trump to say something highly inappropriate and mind numbingly stupid. And he did not disappoint. During an appearance on his favorite program, Fox News’ Fox & Friends, the celebrity billionaire explained that the best way to defeat ISIS and terrorists in general is to go full mafioso on them.
Speaking to confused block of wood Brian Kilmeade, Trump first let everyone watching know that he has a really big dick, and he isn’t afraid to plop it on the table when it comes to fighting ISIS in the Middle East.
“I like to do one thing at a time,” a confident Trump told the Fox host. “I would knock the hell out of ISIS.”
After establishing his virility, The Donald then complained about political correctness, because all things apparently derive from that. He let Kilmeade know that he didn’t want to kill civilians, but ISIS is using people over there as human shields and we’ve been “fighting a very politically correct war.”
Then, seemingly channeling a scene from The Untouchables, Trump declared that you need to kill the families of those involved with ISIS in order to win a war with them.
“And the other thing is with the terrorists, you have to take out their families. When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families. They care about their lives, don’t kid yourself. But they say they don’t care about their lives. You have to take out their families.”
Yep. Killing civilian targets and taking out family members of suspected terrorists can’t possibly go wrong, right? I mean, we certainly shouldn’t expect any retaliation from groups of people made angrier and more radicalized over innocents being killed.
Below is video of Fox & Friends interview with Trump, courtesy of Fox News: