Fox News Dutifully Comes To Donald Trump’s Defense Over Blatant 9/11 Lie

Unbelievably, nearly two weeks after Republican Presidential frontrunner and half-eaten glazed ham Donald Trump claimed he saw actual footage of thousands of American Muslims dancing in celebration on 9/11, the story continues to be at the top of news coverage. Why? Largely because mainstream media is beside itself that Trump won’t admit that he is absolutely wrong. While The Donald has told roughly one million tall tales since announcing his campaign in June, this particular lie appears to be so egregious that the press isn’t backing off until Trump finally admits he’s dead wrong. (Which won’t happen.)
Meanwhile, though the reality TV star cum GOP leader specifically said he “watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, thousands and thousands of people cheer while that building was coming down,” he has pointed to articles referencing hearsay and rumors, calls and tweets from his supporters, and a radio host saying he saw a few people cheer back then as undeniable proof that he is 100% correct. Mind you, he said he saw actual footage of a bunch of Muslims in New Jersey celebrating in the streets, footage that has never surfaced, yet he continues to say that it happened.
Now, nevermind the fact that his saying this is meant to stir up xenophobic hatred towards the ‘other’ in his angry white base of supporters. Nevermind the fact that there was no real reason to bring up an incident that supposedly happened 14 years ago, other than to demonize an entire group of people, possibly for the sake if inciting violence. The fact is, he is blatantly lying and continues to double down on it, hoping to bully the media into finally relenting and admitting he is indeed right. (A textbook definition of fascism if there every was one.)
For those who make their living within the Conservative Entertainment Complex, they’ve decided that they are more than willing to swallow everything Trump gives to them. While many at Fox News railed against Trump’s false claims initially and some have even stood strong, others at the network have now rallied to the celebrity billionaire’s defense.
Part-time functioning adult and full-time Trumpkin Steve Doocy was one of the first to buy what the Trumpster was selling. During Monday morning’s broadcast of Fox & Friends, the goofy smiling host said he specifically remembered Muslims in America dancing, citing his neighbors and friends of friends as proof.
“You know what, I actually remember things like that, ‘cause I live one town away from one of the towns where, according to my neighbors, they saw with their own two eyes, there were people celebrating. I also remember there was video on television. I don’t know if that was from that town or New Jersey. Nonetheless, Donald Trump says there are a lot of people out there who verified the idea of his story.”
Tuesday afternoon, you had two other Fox News hosts come to The Donald’s rescue. First, Neil Cavuto, speaking to Rudy Giuliani (who had already sorta backed up Trump earlier in the day with a bullshit tale), agreed that the only problem Trump had with his story was the number of people he claimed were celebrating. (Again, nothing about the fact that he said he SAW IT WITH HIS OWN EYES AND THERE’S VIDEO AND AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO NOTICES THIS?!?!?!) Cavuto even said that he sort of remembers covering this kind of thing and maybe seeing it himself.
Below is video of the segment, courtesy of Media Matters:
Later on in the afternoon, The Five’s Eric Bolling, a constant Trump defender, said that he knows for a fact that there were many Muslims in the United States that were happy when the World Trade Center was destroyed, so he doesn’t even care if Trump was lying or exaggerating.
Video of that segment, also courtesy of Media Matters:
Elsewhere in the hellscape known as right-wing media, Laura Ingraham — who had a week ago said Trump was lying — and Rush Limbaugh, among others, have let Team trump know they’re on the right side.
Remember, just 11 months to go until the election.